627 conversations about mental health

November 6, 2015 at 11:03 pm

Time To Change’s task is to end discrimination against people with mental health issues by talking to as many people as possible about mental health.

Time to Change BristolCabot Circus Shopping Centre offered us a large area for free for the day. This was a great opportunity for Time To Change Bristol to talk to people about mental health. Time To Change created the concept of a village. For this day we had a marquee to show nationally produced Time To Change Films that were ready for the campaign and for World Mental Health Day.

Our Minions at the Time to Change Cinema performed face painting and this was very popular. Balloon Modelling was another very popular activity. Other activities included free massages, and also we had 2 musicians Bex and Chris.Time to Change Bristol

All this helped gain attention for Time To Change with the public and this led to us having 627 conversations with people – ahead of our aim of 500 conversations for the day.

Our Time To Change Table was filled with information and we had many Time To Change goodies to give away to those people who talked to us.

Our Time To Change Post Box was there for people to send a postcard for free with a message to friends or family. Lynne also provided a survey with a prize draw for those most interested in our campaign.

To find out more information about Time To Change visit: www.time-to-change.org.uk

By Peter Hale, member of BIMHN and mental health blogger.

November 6, 2015 at 11:03 pm | News | No comment

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