Crisis Line Update

October 19, 2016 at 6:15 pm

Concerns raised by Bristol Independent Mental Health Network (BIMHN) over the proposed changes to the crisis line are being addressed.

In response to our petition, which over 4,400 people have signed, we have been meeting regularly with both Bristol Mental Health and Bristol CCG to ensure concerns raised are heard. This will take place as part of a wider review in an attempt to help people get access to the right support at the right time in the right place.

A project board with working groups has been created, with involvement from service users and carers to work collaboratively in shaping future improvements to the crisis line. The work is also exploring how we can improve provision of information relating to how to access mental health services in the city. We want to hear your ideas and suggestions on how to do this, so we can work as a city to improve mental health services for current and future potential users & their families and friends.

These were two of our three key demands from the petition, and we welcome the approach by both Bristol Mental Health and Bristol CCG to work more closely with service users and carers on working through how crisis service provision can be improved for those that need it most.

We will also be hosting an open meeting on Wednesday 26th October 2016, from 2 until 4 pm at the Station on Silver Street, Bristol. You can register your attendance by going to our Eventbrite page.


Bristol Mental Health and Bristol CCG’s latest joint statement can be found below.


Working with service users to improve mental health crisis line – Bristol Mental Health

Solutions for redeveloping Bristol Mental Health’s (BMH) crisis line are currently being explored by staff, service users and representative groups to ensure people in mental health crisis get the support they need faster.

Following discussions with some service users and representative groups, we recognise that initial discussions around making changes to the line have caused some concern. We are grateful for the comments and feedback so far which have been very valuable in informing the redevelopment work.

Through a specific project board, we are working collaboratively to identify ways to improve the service. The board is made up of service users and carers, elected officers from Bristol Independent Mental Health Network (BIMHN), as well as staff from Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust and NHS Bristol Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Currently the crisis line is being used for much more than its intended purpose, which is to offer specialist intervention to people in mental health crisis.

More than two thirds (66%) of callers to the crisis line are seeking advice, general information or to check appointments. This is making it harder for those in mental health crisis, as well as professionals supporting those in mental health crisis, to get through.

The project board is therefore looking at ways in which those with more general or administrative enquiries can receive timely answers to their questions, whilst those in urgent, mental health crisis can be fast-tracked for immediate support.

In the meantime, the crisis line will continue to be available as it is now. Working together, we will ensure that people are able to access the support or advice they need in a timely and accessible manner.
For more information, or to offer feedback / ideas please email

October 19, 2016 at 6:15 pm | News | No comment

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