Joining BIMHN
BIMHN is a branch of the Independent Mental Health Network (IMHN). IMHN is a membership-led organisation. To join BIMHN as a either an associate or full member, you will need to join the Independent Mental Health Network – if you are located in Bristol, you will automatically become a member of BIMHN.
Membership is free. Full or associate membership is available, and we do offer an option to additionally become a supporter, which involves a monetary donation.
Click here now to join.
Who can join BIMHN?
Membership of IMHN is open to people with lived experience of mental health; or who are past, current, future users of mental health services; and registered with a GP in their local area.
As mentioned above, if you join IMHN and are a resident of Bristol, you will be automatically allocated to BIMHN as the Bristol branch. ‘Resident of Bristol’ equates to having Bristol City Council as your local authority.
You can also join us if you are a representative of a user-led group that supports people with mental health conditions.
For more information about joining IMHN, click here.