Bristol Time to Change Champions Fund re-opened for Time to Talk Day 2020!
February 6, 2020 at 9:00 am
To celebrate Time to Talk Day 2020, the Bristol Time to Change Hub has re-opened the Time to Change Champions Fund for a final round of funding. The Fund is available to Time to Change Champions to support them in delivering an event or project that challenges mental health stigma where they live.
The Fund has already completed numerous successful funding rounds, and supported activities such as drop-ins, awareness events, discussion workshops exploring the myths surrounding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, health festivals, and more.
The Bristol Time to Change Hub is excited to support further applications to the Champions Fund. There is a limited amount of funding available, and applications will be considered on an as-received basis. For more information about the Champions Fund, frequently asked questions, and an application form, click here.

The Champions Fund supported ‘Lifting the Myth of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,’ an open discussion workshop that explored the harmful myths and stereotypes surrounding OCD.
February 6, 2020 at 9:00 am | News, Time to Change | No comment