Bristol Survivor’s Network (BSN)
Bristol Survivors Network (BSN) is a group of people who have lived experience of mental health difficulties. As survivors, we seek to show solidarity with people who have experienced discrimination. We gather information about what is going on in mental health services and campaign to improve things.
Changes Bristol
Changes Bristol is a Peer led charity where people with lived experience come together to provide a peer support network for people with mental health problems in greater Bristol. Our ethos is to remove barriers to support; help people make positive changes in their lives and to help people help themselves. We carry out our work primarily through peer support groups and our Steps to Recovery programme. We currently run 12 support groups within different communities around Bristol at the same time and place each week. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to access a peer support network.
Freedom of Mind C.I.C.
Freedom of Mind C.I.C. is an organisation with a simple concept: Conversation, Education Change. We all have mental health, yet often we ignore it unless we start to struggle. Emotional difficulties can affect anyone at any time in their life, and we believe that everyone should have the tools to help themselves and others improve their emotional wellbeing, whatever the state of their mental health. We also wish to utilise conversations to inform future mental health provision through innovative approaches to engaging people during the festival itself and through different mediums for the rest of the year.
WellBeans Initiative C.I.C.
WellBeans Initiative C.I.C. is a Bristol based, Emotional Wellbeing Social Peer Network which a message of: Talk – Listen – Understand. Our vision is to create an open, compassionate culture that is without stigma, empowering people to feel free to be themselves. We want to start breaking the mould by introducing innovative ways of engaging through: networking, social events, workshops and training. Our Aim is to help reduce social isolation by 2020.