Travelling with Mental Health Problems

June 4, 2017 at 9:28 am

We recently stumbled across a blog entitled “Mental Health and Me: What it’s like to travel with a mental illness” and thought it was worth a share.

Travelling often comes up as a barrier to involvement in opportunities amongst our members so, when Airport Parking Shop presented the following figures you can see why the team weren’t surprised.

When asked “Has your mental health ever stopped you travelling?”

74% of respondents said yes.

Responses to the question "If your illness has ever affected your decision to travel, why was that? - Mental Health and Me

And to “Do you think there is enough support in the tourism industry for those travelling with a mental illness?”

You won’t be surprised No was the most given answer.

How easy is it to obtain support when you don't look like you need it?

What have your experiences of travelling with mental health issues been?

If you’d like to write your own post about your experiences, e-mail Amelia:

Don’t forget to check out the full blog here for more information, as well as some really helpful tips!

June 4, 2017 at 9:28 am | Blog | No comment

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