Bristol Crisis Line Changes
May 21, 2017 at 8:09 am
BIMHN have been involved in the co-production of improvements to the Bristol Crisis Service to ensure those in need get the right support. This would not have been possible without service users and carers with support from Bristol CCG and Bristol Mental Health.
The improvements…
A new call management system went 8th May 2017. This is to make sure that if you call the line you get through to the correct team.
Offering better support to frequent callers. People were calling the line for non-urgent queries meaning people in crisis struggled to get through at times. The introduction of updated care plans and policies for call handlers has seen a dramatic decrease in frequent callers. Frequent caller numbers will continue to be monitored.
The introduction of Crisis Cards. If you are a current Service User there is a chance you will be asked to take part in the pilot. BIMHN would like to hear your feedback if you are part of this group. You can find out more about the pilot by contacting
Improving the Bristol Mental Health Website. Service users identified that the BMH website was not very accessible to those in a crisis or needing urgent help. Service Users and Carers have helped develop a new homepage to make it easier to access information about crisis services. You can see the new website here.
Amelia, Membership Engagement Officer, said:
“Co-producing this work has, at times, been challenging but it’s been worth it in the end. The positive feedback received from people about the new improvements has been overwhelming but it is important to remember all this wouldn’t have been possible without months of hard work from BIMHN members and other service users in Bristol.”
BBC Points West have covered the launching of the Crisis Card, you can see their video here.
May 21, 2017 at 8:09 am | News | No comment