Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest and applied to the Bristol Champions Fund.
The Fund is now closed, and this webpage has been left as an archive.
Keep an eye out on the Time to Change Bristol homepage for news, including new funding opportunities available very soon.

To celebrate Time to Talk Day 2020, the Bristol Time to Change Hub is excited to announce that the Champions Fund is re-opening for a final round of funding!
The Fund is available to Time to Change Champions to support them in delivering an event or project that challenges mental health stigma where they live.
What do I need to know?
Each applicant must be already be a registered Time to Change Champion. Becoming a Champion is a flexible and voluntary commitment. You can do what you have time for, and what you’re comfortable doing. You can find out how to become a Champion here.
Each applicant can apply for up to £500.
An applicant must be at least 18 years old, have lived experience of a mental health problem, and live in Bristol.
What can the funding be used for?
Applications for funding will use the money to spark conversations between people who have experienced mental health problems and those who have not. Talking about mental health problems and sharing real life stories helps to change the way we all think and act about mental health problems.
Your event can be as big or as small as you want; previous activities have ranged from stalls in shopping centres or festivals to free haircuts by bantering barbers and even ‘walk and talk’ dog walks. For more inspiration, take a look at some case studies of funded events from years gone by.
How can I apply for the Champions Fund?
- Download the Champions Fund application form. Clicking the link will download a Microsoft Word document to your computer.
- Complete the form, remembering to include your contact details and how your event or project will challenge mental health stigma.
- Email the completed form to ttcbristol[@] (please remove the brackets when using the email – they are included as an anti-spam trap)
What support can I get with putting in an application?
You can read the guidance before making an application here. More information on completing the application form can also be found on the Time to Change website.
If you have queries or need further support with the application process, please contact us by using the email address above.