The work of the Bristol Time to Change Hub is as strong as its partnerships with people with lived experience of mental health and other organisations that want to bring an end to mental health discrimination. The following organisations collaborate to deliver the work of the Hub:

We believe a better life is possible for millions of people affected by mental illness.
Rethink is a national charity which supports almost 60,000 people every year across England to get through crises, to live independently and to realise they are not alone.
In Bristol, they have provided community based mental health support for people across the city for many years, helping those affected and their families make a positive difference in their lives.
Website / email: bristolservices[@]rethink.org / 0117 903 1801

Joining the dots between emotional and physical wellbeing…
Wellbeans are a Bristol based social peer network. Their vision is to create an open, compassionate culture that is without stigma, empowering people to be themselves. Mental health continues to be hugely misconceived within our society. We all have mental health! And, as with our physical health, we will at some time in our lives experience ill-health related to one or the other.
We provide innovative ways of engaging through social events, networking training and open dialogue therapy.
Website / email: wellbeansinitiative[@]gmail.com / 07521 717 111

The Bristol Independent Mental Health Network is a network of people with lived experience of mental health that campaign for and work to support better mental health services in Bristol.
Website / email: bimhn[@]imhn.org

The Community Access Support Service (CASS) works with community, equality and faith groups to improve awareness of mental health and provide better links to support services in Bristol. CASS supports the Hub in delivering its work.
Website / email: info[@]cassbristol.org / phone: 0117 304 1400